20.00 EUR
Frequently Asked Questions
What is that "escrow" thing?
<p>You can review the Asset Escrow system, the encryption and licensing solution developed by FiveM, in <a href='https://forum.cfx.re/t/introducing-asset-escrow-for-your-resources/4777151' class='!text-[#62FFB3] hover:underline'>this</a> article.</p>
How can I download my assets?
You can access your assets via the <a class='!text-[#62FFB3] hover:underline' href='https://keymaster.fivem.net/'>Fivem Keymaster</a> website. After logging in to the website, you can go to the <a class='!text-[#62FFB3] hover:underline' href='https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants'>Granted Assets</a> page to view and download all the granted assets defined in your Keymaster account.
How can I transfer my script?
You transfer your assets via the <a href='https://keymaster.fivem.net/' class='!text-[#62FFB3] hover:underline'>FiveM Keymaster</a> website. After logging in to the website, go to the <a href='https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants' class='!text-[#62FFB3] hover:underline'>Granted Assets</a> page and find the asset. Then click on the arrow icon to the right of the download button. Then type the username you want to transfer in the username section on the screen that opens and click on the 'Transfer asset license' button.